Over the last couple of weeks, our weather has been back to the cooler, wetter June days we are used to. Consistent, intermittent rains have been just enough to keep the wildflowers blooming, the trails in good condition, and to control dust but not enough to create puddles! Before we know it though, the dog-days of summer will be here and the huckleberries will be ripening up. There are already a few spots on lower elevation trails where the hucks are ready!
Upcoming Trailhead Work Announcement:
As part of our rotating trailhead maintenance schedule, Skyles trailhead parking lot will undergo gravel & grading work in the next few weeks.The work will build up the gravel surface of the parking lot and improve access and safety at the trailhead.The trailhead may have to be closed for one to two days while the work is ongoing. Stay tuned and check our social media and signs for specific closure times.
Get out and enjoy our community trail system and consider a donation this summer to give back to the trail and open spaces you love!
We hope you enjoy the Whitefish Trail!
Send your trail photos or trail updates to info@whitefishlegacy.org!