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Volunteers Needed for WT Hootenanny

Whitefish Legacy Partners is hosting our biggest fundraiser of the year – the Whitefish Trail Hootenanny – at Depot Park to celebrate the Whitefish Trail on Friday, August 22nd from 5:00-9:00pm.

The event is a music festival and family dance party with outdoor games, community thumb print tree, and live music featuring the Lil’ Smokies, New Wave Time Trippers (Aka 1985) and Moonshine Mountain!

You are receiving this email as we have you on our list as interested in volunteering for events or on the trail. We need a lot of volunteers to make this event successful! Please sign up to work a two hour shift or help set up or clean up after the event. Jobs include beverage serving, raffle ticket sales, kid’s activities and taking photos. Volunteers receive a t-shirt and a free beverage, in addition to getting in the event for free.

You can sign up using the following link via Sign Up Genius:


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