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Swift Creek Forestry & Trail Construction RFQ

FORESTRY RFQ – The Whitefish Trail Committee is requesting quotations from interested contractors for forestry work associated with trail construction in the Swift Creek area during the late summer and fall of 2012. Specifications and guidelines will be available by 1:00pm Tuesday, August 21 at Whitefish Parks & Recreation Department at 510 Railway St., Whitefish, MT, or click here for Forestry Contractor Scope of Services – Swift Creek 2012.

Interested contractors will be required to attend a mandatory walk-through. Specifications and guidelines will be available at the walk-through.

Quotations will be due by 5:00pm on Thursday, August 30 with work slated to begin in early September. Forestry work must be completed no later than September 28. Bids must be for a total sum that includes all tasks as outlined in the Scope of Services and Forestry Specifications document. Contractors should also include an hourly rate for sawyers/swampers for additional services that may be required.

Bids should be submitted to the Whitefish Parks & Recreation Department referencing Whitefish Trail Forestry – Swift Creek. For questions, please contact Greg Gunderson at 261-8407 or

TRAIL CONSTRUCTION RFQ – The Whitefish Trail Committee is requesting quotations from interested contractors for trail construction in the Swift Creek area during the late summer and fall of 2012.

Specifications and guidelines will be available by 1:00pm Tuesday August 21, at Whitefish Parks & Recreation Department at 510 Railway St., Whitefish, MT, or click here for Trail Construction Scope of Services – Swift Creek 2012.

Interested contractors will be required to attend a mandatory walk-through. Specifications and guidelines will be available at the walk-through.

Quotations will be due by 5:00pm on August 30 with work slated to begin in early September. Trail work must be completed no later than October 19.

Bids must be for a cost per lineal foot of trail construction, including both machine work and hand work. Final trail lengths will be determined with a measuring wheel. Please also include an hourly rate for additional excavator work (based on machine hour meter).

Bids should be submitted to the Whitefish Parks & Recreation Department referencing Whitefish Trail Construction – Swift Creek. For questions, please contact Greg Gunderson at 261-8407 or


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