We are in a sweet spot right now on the Whitefish Trail with clear, dry but not dusty trail conditions, and the Whitefish Trail is getting greener and more colorful by the day! Still mostly green and brown, the trail offers small glimpses of color with the early wildflowers. The subtle flowers of strawberry, Oregon grape, purple violets, shooting star, and trillium are signs of what's to come! Stop by our WLP office or visit our website shop to purchase your own Whitefish Trail Wildflower Guide - it makes the perfect late Mother's Day or Father's Day gift!
Adopt-A-Trail Crews and our Trail Coordinator have been hard at work this month restoring and generally clearing and cleaning areas of trail. Parkside Credit Union helped plant native grass seed at Lion Mountain to shut down social trails and switchback cuts as well as address sections of the trail that have gotten wider over the last few years. The focus for Adopt-A-Trail workdays in the spring is improving drainage to minimize as much mud as possible and mitigate erosion issues! Thank you to Parkside Credit Union, Remax Whitefish, Grouse Mountain Lodge, and Logan Health Whitefish for all your hard work keeping the Whitefish Trail in great shape!
If you come across a downed tree or any issues on the trail, please report them to info@whitefishlegacy.org. Enjoy the trail and don't forget to log your miles all month long throughout May!

Send us your spring trail reports and photos to info@whitefishlegacy.org!