The Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation (DNRC) is seeking public comment on a proposed salvage and timber harvest at Swift Creek and Smith Lake. On March 14, 2020, a significant wind event occurred and blew down 300 acres of mature timber. The primary objectives of the 3,350-acre proposed project are:
Salvage and capture the value of the down and damaged timber for the MT School Trusts
Reopen roads, trails and recreation areas such as the Whitefish Trail and the Smith Lake Disc Golf Course
Reduce the amount of debris to decrease potential wildfire hazards as this area is within Flathead County’s Wildland Urban Interface
Reduce the spread of the Douglas-fir bark beetle whose favored habitat is large-diameter, windthrown Douglas-fir
Rehabilitate the area to the extent practical by planting trees, tipping back root wads in highly visible areas, chipping limbs, etc.

Submit comments by April 13, 2020:
Department of Natural Resources and Conservation
Attn: Mike McMahon, DNRC Stillwater Unit
P.O. Box 164 Olney, MT 59927 (406) 881-2670