December was off to a snowy start on the Whitefish Trail, and now unfortunately, the recent rains have led to icy, slushy, and muddy conditions across the system. The upcoming snowy forecast could make for dicey conditions on the Whitefish Trail. Conditions are hugely variable, and traction devices are recommended. Please do not walk around icy puddles as it widens hte trail and damages surrounding vegetation. Hopefully, we will get back to a snow trend for the foreseeable future, and the mud, puddles, and ice will become beautiful, snowy trails.
The following WT trailheads are plowed for winter use: Lion Mountain, Skyles, Beaver Lakes, Swift Creek, Reservoir, Big Mountain, and Holbrook Overlook. The DNRC plans to close the Lower Whitefish Road gate on Saturday 12/9 as winter use begins throughout the Stillwater State Forest.
And a friendly reminder, please pick up your dog waste along the trail. There are mutt mitts at every trailhead. The rising number of Whitefish Trail users requires a higher level of personal responsibilities and accountabillity to reduce the cumulative impacts of dog waste on and around the trail. Dog waste should be removed by pet owners as it's a health threat to everyone - including other dogs and wildlife! Please pick up after your dog, every time.
Send us your winter trail reports and photos to info@whitefishlegacy.org.